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We send the latest payment results below as proof that we really paid.

Date Username Amount Method Status
4/2/24, 8:29 AM Kur****** $5.146 GOPAY (MAX $150) Sukses
4/1/24, 9:16 AM AiS****** $18.722 GOPAY (MAX $150) Sukses
4/1/24, 12:34 AM Ahm****** $8.494 OVO Sukses
3/31/24, 8:21 PM Dan****** $5.143 OVO Sukses
3/29/24, 11:31 PM Sar****** $22.697 BANK TRANSFER (INDONESIA ONLY "Real Kurs BI" ) Sukses
3/29/24, 11:02 AM kin****** $10.974 OVO Sukses
3/28/24, 3:02 PM Aku****** $5.676 OVO Sukses
3/28/24, 11:52 AM mrg****** $8.542 OVO Sukses
3/28/24, 8:49 AM AiS****** $13.260 GOPAY (MAX $150) Sukses
3/28/24, 5:53 AM oke****** $5.324 OVO Sukses
3/25/24, 3:23 PM Rif****** $10.134 BANK TRANSFER (INDONESIA ONLY "Real Kurs BI" ) Sukses
3/25/24, 11:09 AM Ndr****** $5.591 OVO Sukses
3/25/24, 10:31 AM AiS****** $11.798 GOPAY (MAX $150) Sukses
3/24/24, 12:06 PM Fla****** $12.442 GOPAY (MAX $150) Sukses
3/22/24, 1:58 PM AiS****** $7.584 GOPAY (MAX $150) Sukses
3/22/24, 1:33 PM oke****** $9.940 OVO Sukses
3/20/24, 9:29 AM AiS****** $8.008 GOPAY (MAX $150) Sukses
3/19/24, 8:35 AM Ndr****** $5.068 OVO Sukses
3/19/24, 2:28 AM Aku****** $5.201 OVO Sukses
3/18/24, 8:23 AM AiS****** $16.246 GOPAY (MAX $150) Sukses